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1. Purpose of the Privacy Policy of Šiaulių Bankas Group companies in Lithuania

This Privacy Policy of Šiaulių bankas group companies (hereinafter referred to as "SB Companies" or "We, Our, Us") in Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as " Privacy Policy") provides answers to the most important questions about how SB Companies process Your Personal Data and what rights You have in relation to this.

In the context of this Privacy Policy, Šiaulių Bankas Group companies in Lithuania mean:
AB "Šiaulių bankas" (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), life insurance UAB "SB draudimas" (hereinafter referred to as SB insurance), UAB "SB lizingas" (hereinafter referred to as SB leasing), UAB "SB Asset Management" (hereinafter referred to as SB Asset Management), or all of the following companies together.

This Privacy Policy applies to You - current, future and/or former SB Companies' Clients or persons related to them who have expressed a desire to use Our services, are already using, have previously used or are otherwise related to Our services, i.e. You are an agent, family member, guarantor, security provider, etc. of Our Client, or You are an agent, shareholder, member of the governing bodies of the Legal Clients, the beneficial owner or the real beneficiary of , or any other Data Subject as specified in this Privacy Policy.

You can also get acquainted with the Privacy Policy at the Client Service Departments of SB Companies. Please periodically visit for the most up-to-date version of our Privacy Policy.

We invite You to familiarize Yourself with this Privacy Policy and to make this Privacy Policy known to Your current or future authorized representatives, persons whom You represent, beneficiaries and other persons who are or may be in any way connected with our services and/or whose Personal Data You provide to us. 


2. Terms used in this Privacy Policy

Personal data

Any information directly or indirectly relating to You and capable of identifying You.

Automated solution

Our decision, which has legal consequences for You or affects You, is made without the intervention of an employee of SB Companies, i.e. in an automated way.

Joint controllers

Where two or more Data Controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing of the Data, they shall be considered as Joint Data Controllers.

Data protection legislation

Any Personal Data protection legislation applicable to SB Companies­, including but not limited to: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (abbreviated to "GDPR"), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and national legal acts implementing the GDPR.

Data recipient

A natural or legal person, government or other authority to whom SB Companies may disclose Personal Data.

Data Subject

The natural person whose Personal Data is processed by SB Companies. SB Companies may process Personal Data of Data Subjects such as: Clients, members of the Client's family, legal representatives, authorised representatives, counterparties, payers, collateral providers, insured persons, policyholders, premium payers, beneficiaries, representatives of SB Companies' Legal Clients, shareholders, members of the management bodies, beneficial owners, final beneficiaries, users of SB Companies' website, self-service portals, participants in SB Companies' events and persons visiting SB Companies' premises, beneficiaries, representatives and employees of SB Companies' business partners, as well as other persons such as followers on social networks, etc.

Data processing

Any act (including collection, recording, storage, alteration, transmission, destruction, retrieval or other processing) of Personal Data.

Data Processor

A natural or legal person who processes Personal Data on behalf of and for the benefit of the Data Controller.

Data Controller

A natural or legal person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data.


European Union/European Economic Area. The European Economic Area is made up of all the member countries of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Legal client

Means a legal person who uses, has used, has expressed an intention to use the SB Companies services.

Client (or You)


A natural person who has expressed an interest in using Our Services, is already using or has previously used Our Services, or is otherwise connected with the Services provided by SB companies, the users of the Services or the business relationship with SB companies.


Any service, advice, product provided or made available by SB Company at a customer service outlet, online bank, self-service, through any SB Company mobile application, telephone, video transmission or other means, through Our intermediaries, as well as services and products of Our carefully selected partners.


Processing of Personal Data by automated means in order to assess certain of Your personal characteristics and to analyse or predict, for example, Your economic situation, personal preferences, interests.

Other terms used in this Privacy Policy shall be understood as defined in the GDPR and other legislation on the protection of Personal Data.


3. Data Controller

The Bank acts as a Data Controller of Your Personal Data when it provides You with various banking services, such as day-to-day banking, credit, investment services.

SB leasing acts as a Data Controller of Your Personal Data when providing consumer credit and other services.

SB Asset Management acts as a Data Controller of Your Personal Data when providing management services for Tier II and Tier III pension funds and collective investment undertakings.

SB insurance acts as a Data Controller of Your Personal Data when providing life insurance services.

The Bank also acts as a Data Processor when it offers and manages the provision of services on behalf of other SB Companies that are Data Controllers.

SB Companies may act as joint controllers where this is necessary for financial accounting, auditing, risk assessment, or where we share information systems or hardware (servers), or where this is necessary for the provision of services. 

If You have any questions, requests or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, the processing of Personal Data, complaints or any other issues related to the protection of Personal Data in SB Companies, please contact the following contacts:

Regarding the services provided by the Bank

Joint stock company Šiaulių bankas
Tilžės g. 149, 76348 Šiauliai
Telephone: 1813 (+370 37 301 337 for international calls)
Data Protection Officer:

Regarding consumer credit and other services provided by SB leasing


UAB “SB lizingas”
Karaliaus Mindaugo ave. 35, 44307, Kaunas, E-mail:
Telephone: 8-37 407200
Data Protection Officer:

Regarding life insurance services provided by SB insurance


Life insurance UAB "SB draudimas"                
Gynėjų str. 14, 01109 Vilnius 
Telephone: 1813 (+370 37 301 337 for international calls)
Data Protection Officer:

Regarding SB Asset Management's pension fund and investment fund management services for Tier II and Tier III pension funds


UAB „SB Asset Management“
Gynėjų str. 14, 01109 Vilnius
Telephone: 1813 (+370 37 301 337 for international calls)
Data Protection Officer:


4. Categories of Personal Data processed by SB Companies

SB Companies process the following categories of Your Personal Data (including but not limited to):

Personal identity data, such as name, surname, personal identification number, date of birth, facial image in a photograph, signature, details of the identity document (a copy of the document may be processed in certain cases).

Contact details , such as residential and/or mailing address, telephone number, email address.

Identification data for SB Companies' self-service, such as Your login details (Internet Banking user ID or username, email address), Internet Protocol (IP) address, other browsing information, including when, from where and from which device You accessed Our Internet Bank, Self-Service, website or other electronic platforms.

Data about Your financial experience and investment knowledge and objectives, such as the asset classes You invest in, frequency, duration, investment risk tolerance, investment needs and expectations, sustainability preferences, education, field of work, and other data provided prior to the selection and provision of investment or investment life insurance services.

Data about Your transactions, depending on the services provided to You by SB Companies, such as data about the transactions (e.g. bank account, payment card, consumer credit, home credit, leasing, insurance, pension, deposit, investment services or other contracts) that You intend to enter into (by means of requests, applications) or have entered into, and the details of those transactions and related documentation.

Payment data, such as sender/recipient of funds, account number, purpose of payment, amount and currency of payment, payer identification code, payment instruments (e.g. bank card, internet bank, digital wallet, etc.) and the actions taken using them, funds deposits, withdrawals, credit transfers, etc.

Financial status data such as employment income other income and assets (amounts, periods of declaration, types of economic activity), employer, length of service, dates of commencement and termination of employment, self-employment or other performed economic activity, lump-sum or periodic social benefits received or granted, type, amount, nature, sources, periods of receipt, social security insurer, beginning and end of social security insurance period, immovable and movable property owned, property rights and encumbrances, information on existing liabilities, history of indebtedness, etc.

Data about Your behavioural patterns, preferences and satisfaction with the Services, such as data about Your activity in using the Services, the Services provided to You, Your personal preferences in Your online bank, self-service or apport feedback on the Services of SB Companies, etc.

Data necessary for the Bank and SB leasing to assess Your solvency, creditworthiness and risk of performance of obligations,  such as information on Your bankruptcy status, credit rating, bank statement data, information on whether You are not included in the list of persons for whom applications have been submitted to refrain from concluding consumer credit agreements, data on incapacity or restriction of capacity, and information on Your marital status, the number of minor children, details of relationships with other related natural and/or legal persons, information on education, profession, occupation, possession of movable and non-movable property and rights thereto, types and amounts of existing or former financial and/or property obligations, the time limits for the fulfilment of these obligations, details of the performance of these obligations and other information relevant for the assessment of Your creditworthiness and financial situation).

Data needed to enforce anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing, anti-tax evasion measures and international sanctions, such as nationality, country of residence (for tax purposes), taxpayer identification number, links to Lithuania, other related natural and/or legal persons, sources of funds, activities, planned bank account turnover and/or investments and/or insurance premiums, political positions held and political participation of You or Your family members or close associates, publicly available information in the media, correspondence with You in business dealings, details of documents supporting a monetary operation or transaction, etc.

Data necessary for the protection and defence of rights and interests in the event of legal proceedings or the recovery of debts, such as all of the above information, documents and attachments sent to You by SB Companies, the amount of the debt, the information held by You or by a third party (for example, documents and their attachments sent or submitted by You or third parties, documents and their attachments sent or submitted by notaries, bailiffs, attorneys, heirs, spouses, etc.), procedural documents containing Your Personal Data, information about criminal offences and convictions of You and/or third parties.

Audiovisual data, such as video recordings of You visiting SB Companies' filmed branches or using ATMs, or of You about to become a customer of SB Companies remotely, or audio recordings of You calling customer service numbers or using remote consultations.

Special categories of Personal Data such as:

Biometric data, such as facial image (biometric data unique to the person: 3D projection of the face, result of a comparison between a photograph of the person and a photograph of the person in the ID document (expressed as matching points) when You intend to become/become a Client remotely.

Health data, such as information about Your state of health, any incapacity or restriction of capacity, or disability, medical treatment provided, diagnosed illnesses, injuries sustained, and other health data, is necessary to assess Your ability to enter into transactions, insurance risks, to investigate the circumstances of an insured event or to assess whether You have acquired the right to a pension, to evaluate Your requests for deferment of housing or consumer credit payments on health grounds, etc.

Please note! SB Companies process special categories of Personal Data with Your consent (Article 9(2)(a) GDPR) or if such processing is provided for by legal requirements and/or is based on the necessity to comply with or assert a legal claim (Article 9(2)(g), (f) GDPR).

Please note! In this section, we have set out the main categories of Personal Data that we process. However, due to the specific nature of our activities, it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of the categories of Personal Data processed in the Privacy Policy, and therefore this list is not exhaustive. The specific amount of Personal Data we process depends on the Services You order and use and Your relationship with SB Companies.

In order to use our Services, You must provide us with the information that is necessary for us to enter into or perform a Service Contract with You or to provide You with a financial or other service, as well as information that we are required to collect by the requirements of law. If You do not provide the information requested by Us, We have the right not to provide the Services to You or to suspend the Services.


5. Information about the purpose for which and the legal basis on which we process Your Personal Data

We process Your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and other data protection legislation, for clear and specific purposes and on the following legal grounds:


5.1. Legal basis - consent

We process Personal Data on the basis of consent for the following purposes:

Please note! You may withdraw Your consent at any time, but please note that this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of Your Personal Data carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent.


5.2. Legal basis - performance of a contract or intention to conclude a contract

For the performance of the contract, we process Personal Data for the following purposes:


5.3. Legal basis - performance of a legal obligation

In order to comply with the legal obligations imposed on SB Companies by law, i.e. on the basis of a legal obligation, we process Your Personal Data for the following purposes:


5.4. Legal basis - legitimate interest

In the legitimate interests of SB Companies and/or third parties to whom Your data is provided, We process Your Personal Data for the following purposes on the basis of legitimate interest:

Under the conditions of the applicable law, one or more of the above legal substantiations may apply to the processing of the same Personal Data about You.


6. Data sources

We receive Personal Data directly from You, but depending on the Services provided or requested, we may also receive data from external data sources such as:

Please note! The list of external data sources is not exhaustive, depending on the specifics of our activities and services, we may obtain data from other sources.


7. Data recipients

SB Companies may disclose information, or part of it, about You to other data recipients where permitted by law and for the reasons set out in Section 5 of this Privacy Policy.

Here is a list of the categories of recipients who may receive Personal Data in certain cases:

SB Companies shall not disclose Personal Data beyond what is necessary for the specific purpose of processing Personal Data. Recipients may process Personal Data in their capacity as Data Processors and/or Data Controllers.


8. Transfer of information about You outside the European Economic Area

In most cases, Your Personal Data is processed in Lithuania and only in specific cases is transferred within the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area (usually when the external service provider hired by SB Companies is established in another country). However, where necessary for the provision of certain services, data may be transferred and processed outside the aforementioned territories (e.g. in the context of debt collection processes), subject to an adequate level of protection of Personal Data where there is a lawful basis for the transfer of the Personal Data and at least one of the following conditions:


9. Time limits for keeping information about You

We keep Personal Data for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes of processing the Personal Data or for such period as may be prescribed/allowed by law, for example:

Storing of Business relationship information:

Information collected for direct marketing purposes is stored:

Telephone records are kept:

Video recordings are stored:

Consultation requests are stored:

Please note! Personal data may be retained for longer in the event of a dispute with You, legal proceedings or pre-trial investigation. In this case, Personal Data may be kept for as long as the dispute, investigation or legal proceedings are ongoing.


10. Security of Personal Data

In order to protect Your Personal Data from unauthorised access, use or disclosure, we use a variety of organisational and technical security measures to ensure its security. These include firewalls, high-security data encryption methods and secure equipment, access control and rights restriction, "need-to-know" principle application (we only allow processing of Personal Data by employees who need it to perform their tasks and are committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the data), ongoing training of employees, and careful selection of Service Providers. By signing an Agreement, Service Providers undertake to comply with the requirements of the applicable laws, the data protection principles and the guidelines for the processing of Personal Data set out by SB Companies. However, the security of information transmitted by email or mobile phone may sometimes be compromised for reasons beyond the control of SB Companies, so You should take care when submitting confidential information to us outside the electronic systems used by SB Companies.

For more information on the possible frauds and how to avoid them, please visit Our website at:


11. Your rights regarding the processing of Personal Data

If Your Personal Data is processed by SB Companies, You have the right to:


12. Information on how You can exercise Your rights as set out above

You may exercise Your rights by submitting a written request to SB Companies (i.e. to each of the SB Companies at the contacts specified in Section 3 "Data Controller" of this Privacy Policy) in the following ways:

In order for us to assess Your request and provide You with a response, we must identify You in one of the ways set out above. This is done for the security of Your data, to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who is not entitled to receive it. We may also contact You to request additional information to help us identify You and/or implement Your request (e.g. to clarify information related to Your request, etc.).


13. Deadlines for responding to Your requests

SB Companies will provide, no later than 1 month after receipt of Your request, information on the action they have taken in response to Your request for the exercise of the data subject's rights, or the reasons for not taking any action. The time limit for providing the requested information may be extended by a further 2 months if necessary, depending on the complexity of the requests, the volume of data processed and the number of services provided.

Please note! SB Companies may refuse to process a request received from You for the exercise of the data subject's rights, or may charge an appropriate fee if the request is manifestly unfounded or disproportionate, in particular due to its repetitive nature, as well as in other cases provided for by the Data protection legislation in effect.


14. Changes and current version of the Privacy Policy

This version of the Privacy Policy is effective as of 1 December 2023.

This Privacy Policy replaces the Personal Data Protection Rules of AB "Šiaulių bankas" in force until 1 December 2023, the Information for Consumer Credit Recipients of UAB "SB lizingas" on the collection, use and storage of information about me, the Personal Data Protection Policy, and the Personal Data Processing Rules of life insurance UAB "SB draudimas". All references to previous SB Company rules and/or policies are to this Privacy Policy.

Please note that SB Companies reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy in the future to reflect changes in legislation and business practices. You will be informed of the changes on the website and/or by private messages. However, we encourage You to review this Privacy Policy regularly if You have any questions about the processing of Personal Data by SB Companies.

The latest version of the Privacy Policy is also available at SB Companies Client service centres and SB leasing consumer credit intermediaries.

The Privacy Policy is available in Lithuanian and has been translated into English. In case of any disputes or claims regarding the interpretation of the language of the text, the text of the Privacy Policy in the Lithuanian language shall prevail.

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