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V2 has been released to production environment

Dear All,

We’d like to inform that starting from 2023-03-18 v2 has been released to our production environment.

The v2 release has brought to the following changes:

For further detailed information we highly recommend you check our swagger (v2) documentation.

The following additional changes have also been made:

We’ve fixed the problem with the expiry time of draft payments, where payments would expire within 10 minutes and the TPP had no way of checking whether the payment had been authorised and successfully processed or cancelled.

We’ve improved the functioning of the parameter redirect_uri_fail. From now on, when the PSU cancels a transaction on redirect SCA approach, the endpoint GET /v1/consents/{{{consentId}}/authorisations/{{{consentAuthorisationId}} will return the authorisation status "failed".

Another improvement made to the Redirect SCA approach is that the security measures for signing the transaction will now be set default as for the PSUs used in the OAuth2 flow.

PLEASE NOTICE: the older PSD2 API version (v1) will be deprecated but still available for 2 months after release in the production environment and removed afterwards.

The new versioning will be applied to all services including AIS, PIS and CoF. API version number is included into the URL, for example: {{apiUri}}/v2/accounts

In case you you require any support, do not hesitate to contact us by an e-mail –

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